My Experience

Mixed Background

I am currently a Postdoc researcher at TU Eindhoven (Human Technology Interaction group), with my research focused on Machine Learning visualization and Responsible/Explainable AI. I come from a mixed background in data science, UX research (HCI studies) and web development. I am experienced in recommender systems, especially user-centered recommender systems and personalized intelligent systems.

Previously, I worked as a PhD researcher and lecturer at TU Eindhoven and Jheronimus Academy of Data Science from 2018-2023 and received my PhD in Nov 2023. I obtained my my Master's degree in Computer Science from TU Delft in 2017.

From June 2022 - Sept 2022, I worked as a research scientist at Spotify, where I collaborated with cross-functional teams on innovation initiatives for prototypes to support multimedia (podcast) consumption for online streaming services.

Experience in multi-diciplinary fields

I am a big fan of multidisciplinary collaboration and I always believe that the best work comes from people with different background.

  • As a data scientist, I am expertise in using advanced statistical approaches (e.g., multivariate testing, factor analysis and structure equation model) to solve analytics problems, experienced in building machine learning solutions (e.g., recommendation algorithms, reinforcement learning, and text mining) and data visualizations
  • As a UX/HCI researcher, I am experienced in prototyping and conducting both qualitative (interviews, focus groups, usability testing) and quantitative user studies (A/B tesing, multivariate testing, surveys, questionnaires)
  • As a software developer, I am experienced in developing and deploying machine-learning-based web application on cloud servers (tech stack includes: Flask, RESTful API, PostgreSQL, jQuery, Ajax, Docker, Heroku, Git)